Geographical Group Reporting Submission
Cochrane Balearic Islands
Ignacio Ricci-Cabello
Training to local health professionals on how to use Cochrane Reviews
Research Unit of the Primary Healthcare Service of the Balearic Islands
Joana Ripoll
Trainings, learning opportunities, workshops
We have carried out an activity aimed at training primary care resident doctors and nurses. As part of their education, they have completed a 60-hour course on research methodology. Our Cochrane group participated in this course by delivering a module on systematic reviews, where participants were taught how to conduct systematic literature reviews and critically appraise them.
This course has been held in three editions, each including approximately 15 students. A satisfaction survey was conducted (n=36), and the results are attached. The sessions received a general rating of 4.19 out of 5. Participants particularly appreciated the structure and presentation of the material (4.32/5) and found the content interesting (4.03/5). The session also improved their knowledge of conducting a Cochrane systematic review (4.00/5) and their ability to interpret meta-analysis results (3.92/5).
This course has been held in three editions, each including approximately 15 students. A satisfaction survey was conducted (n=36), and the results are attached. The sessions received a general rating of 4.19 out of 5. Participants particularly appreciated the structure and presentation of the material (4.32/5) and found the content interesting (4.03/5). The session also improved their knowledge of conducting a Cochrane systematic review (4.00/5) and their ability to interpret meta-analysis results (3.92/5).