
Announcing Cochrane Abdomen & Endocrine Network

Announcing the Cochrane Abdomen & Endocrine Network

The new name for Cochrane Long-term Conditions & Ageing Network

Following consultations with all Cochrane Reviews Groups (CRGs) within the network, the Cochrane Long-term Conditions and Ageing Network are pleased to announce that they have changed their name to the Cochrane Abdomen and Endocrine Network.

Initial discussions about the name change began in November 2018, with the appointment of Professor Cindy Farquhar as the Senior Editor for the Network.

Several names were proposed by the Senior Editor and Network members that captured the scope of the six CRGs within the Network (Cochrane Colorectal Cancer, Cochrane Hepato-Biliary, Cochrane IBD, Cochrane Kidney and Transplant, Cochrane Metabolic and Endocrine, and Cochrane Upper GI and Pancreatic Diseases).

Options were voted on ahead of the Governance meetings in April 2019, and the final name agreed during the Network’s face-to-face meeting in Krakow. The agreed name was circulated to all Network members on 3 April 2019.

new Network name

Our new name provides our Network with a clear and cohesive identity as we take our work forward. 

17 April 2019

Appointment of a new Editor in Chief for the Cochrane Library

ppointment of a new Editor in Chief for the Cochrane Library

The Governing Board is delighted to announce that, with effect from 1 June 2019, Dr. Karla Soares-Weiser will become the new Editor in Chief of the Cochrane Library. Karla will replace current Editor in Chief Dr. David Tovey, who is stepping down from the role at the end of May following ten years of distinguished service.

Karla Soares-Weiser was born in Brazil and now lives in Israel. She is a trained psychiatrist, holds a Master's degree in epidemiology, and a Ph.D. in evidence-based healthcare from the University of São Paulo. She has been working in evidence-based health care since 1997 and is an author of over 60 Systematic Reviews, including 33 Cochrane Reviews. She has held numerous positions in Cochrane Groups, including as a Visiting Fellow at the IberoAmerican and UK Cochrane Centres, where she provided training in systematic review production. Outside Cochrane she has held Assistant Professor posts in Brazil and Israel, and established her own consultancy business providing evidence synthesis services to government agencies and not-for-profit organizations. She was instrumental in the development of Cochrane Response, the organization’s evidence consultancy service; and in 2015 was appointed Cochrane's first Deputy Editor in Chief. Since 2016 she has been leading the transformation programme of Cochrane Review Groups into Networks, and in 2017 became Acting Editor in Chief for four months during David Tovey’s leave on health grounds.

Karla was appointed following an extensive recruitment process led by a recruitment panel made up of Martin Burton and Marguerite Koster (Governing Board Co-Chairs), Fergus Macbeth (Council Co-Chair), Nicky Cullum (Co-ordinating Editor and Board member), Chris Eccleston (Senior Editor, Cochrane Mental Health and Neuroscience Network), Ginny Barbour (Chair of the Cochrane Library Oversight Committee, founding Editor of PLOS Medicine and Chair of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)) and Mark Wilson (CEO). “Karla competed in a strong, international field, in what was a rigorous and challenging recruitment process. Her appointment comes with the unanimous support of the Recruitment Advisory Panel and the full Governing Board” said Martin Burton. “Karla’s appointment is indicative of the strength and depth of talent we have in the Collaboration, and the Governing Board is delighted to be in a position to appoint from within the organization for this key role. We look forward to Karla implementing her vision to develop the Cochrane Library in support of Cochrane’s strategic goals.”

Mark Wilson, Chief Executive Officer, welcomed Karla’s appointment: “Karla’s deep knowledge of systematic reviews and the wider healthcare evidence landscape, and her expertise in the methods and challenges of synthesized evidence mean she is well-equipped to become Cochrane’s new Editor in Chief. Her passion for Cochrane and deep commitment to its ethos, principles and mission are well known by everyone who works with her; and she is already a valued member of Cochrane’s Senior Management Team with a proven record of leading change and supporting our global community of collaborators. We are looking forward to working with her in her new leadership role.”

Of his successor, David Tovey said: “Karla has done a fantastic job supporting me as Deputy Editor in Chief, and has also made a major contribution to Cochrane over many years. I am completely confident that she will be an enormous success in her new role, and wish her all the best in leading the next phase of the development of the Cochrane Library.”

Following her appointment, Karla reiterated her vision for the Cochrane Library: “to improve health care decision making by consistently publishing timely, high priority, high-quality reviews responding to the needs of our end-users. I am committed to working with the Cochrane community to achieve this vision, strengthening diversity, and striving for an excellent author experience.”

On behalf of Cochrane’s Governing Board, we invite you to join us in welcoming Karla to this important leadership role in Cochrane.

15 April 2019

Cochrane’s Colloquium, Santiago 2019 - deadline for abstracts EXTENDED

This year’s theme is ‘Embracing diversity

The 26th Cochrane Colloquium, Santiago 2019 abstracts deadline has been extended.

This year’s theme is ‘Embracing diversity’, recognizing Cochrane as a truly global independent community, addressing relevant health questions from international stakeholders using a range of diverse methods.

We ask that abstract submissions consider the relevance to this theme. In particular, we welcome submissions that address or discuss diversity on reviews from different viewpoints/angles.

The deadline for workshop submissions is 12 April 2019.

The deadline for abstracts has been extended to 26 April 2019.

All submissions will be notified of their outcome in June 2019.

Last call
11 April 2019

Changes to the Cochrane Council - April 2019

Changes to the Cochrane Council - April 2019

Changes to the Cochrane Council

The Cochrane Council aims to ensure that Cochrane Groups retain an effective voice in Cochrane’s leadership and strategic decision-making.

Fergus Macbeth, Co-Chair of Cochrane Council, has stepped down from his position after two years of service on the Council; Fergus will continue his work as Co-ordinating Editor of the Cochrane Lung Cancer Group.

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Craig Lockwood as the Council's new Co-Chair, who will work with current Co-Chair Miranda Langendam. Craig is the Director of Implementation at the Joanna Briggs Institute of Science as well as the Director of the Cochrane Nursing Care Field. He is the Council's Representative of Cochrane Fields Groups.

The Council and the Governing Board wish to thank Fergus for his contribution to Cochrane and wish many congratulations to Craig on his appointment.


9 April 2019

Cochrane is on Instagram!

Cochrane is on Instagram!

Our Strategy to 2020 aims to make Cochrane the ‘home of evidence’ to inform health decision making, build greater recognition of our work, and become the leading advocate for evidence-informed health care. To meet our goals we have expanded our social media platforms to include Instagram! Instagram is a free photo and video sharing app. Some Cochrane Groups are already using the app, including Cochrane FranceCochrane Russia, Cochrane Iran, Cochrane UK, Cochrane Rehabilitation, and Cochrane Common Mental Disorders.  We also have an account for the Cochrane Colloquium that will be passed to each host Centre annually.

It’s connected us with a different demographic then some of our other platforms – so far our audience is young (18% 18-24, 53% 25-34, and 19% 35-44) and mostly students or in their early career (nurses, doctors, dentists).

  • If you are using Instagram we invite you to follow us at @cochraneorg 
  • You can take a a look at our Instagram profile on youer desktop here.  
  • If you are thinking about Instagram as a dissemination platform for your group or currently have an account, please review these tips.
29 March 2019

Cochrane Help and Support Services launch an online portal

Cochrane Help and Support Services launch an online portal

We are pleased to announce the new one-stop support portal for Cochrane Help and Support Services.

The Cochrane Help and Support Centre is an online portal that allows you to search for answers to common queries about Cochrane's work. If you don't find what you are looking for, you can open a support ticket to be dealt with by the different support teams, including Community Support (for all general queries), ME Support (for Managing Editors), CIS Support (for Information Specialists) and the RevMan Web development team.

The Help and Support Centre opened at the end of February 2019. In the first month, over 500 tickets were dealt with by Cochrane staff from 360 unique users. For the General Community Support Tickets, 41 people have responded to a customer satisfaction survey with 88% (36 people) responding; 'My query was fully and promptly answered'.

Get help!

For ease of access, you can reach the portal through the 'Help' tab in the top navigation bar of the Community website.

Please let us know if you have any suggestions for articles to be included in the Knowledge Base, or if you have any other feedback on the service by emailing us at

27 March 2019

Cochrane Governing Board agenda and open access papers available - April 2019

Cochrane Governing Board agenda and open access papers available

The agenda and open access papers for the Cochrane Governing Board meeting in Krakow, Poland on 4-5 April 2019 are now available to view online, for information only.

Cochrane's governing body is the Governing Board. The Board is responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of Cochrane’s strategic direction. If you would like to comment on an item you can contact the Board:

26 March 2019

Symposium on using qualitative evidence to inform decisions in the SDG era – 9-11 October 2019, Brasilia, Brazil


Are you interested in qualitative research and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? Are you working within health, education, social welfare, crime and justice, the environment, agriculture or other related sectors?

Researchers, policy makers, research commissioners and other stakeholders from across the world are invited to attend the first Symposium on using qualitative evidence to inform decisions in the SDG era, to be held on 9 -11 October 2019 in Brasilia.


Multisectoral action is needed to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Such action requires a deep and contextualised understanding of the needs, views and experiences of a wide range of stakeholders. It also requires an in-depth understanding of how policies impact on different groups and sectors, and on equity and social inclusion. Qualitative research can play a critical role in providing this type of evidence, and in ensuring the representation of diverse voices.

The Symposium
The Symposium is hosted by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in collaboration with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. It will advance conversations and collaborations on innovative ways of using qualitative evidence to broaden and humanise decision and policy-making processes to achieve the SDGs. The Symposium will also explore the tools and methods needed to support the translation of qualitative evidence into policy and practice, and will examine ways of strengthening capacity in this area, particularly in the global South. Further information and key dates are available on the Symposium website.

Who is invited?
As researchers and research commissioners, policy makers and other evidence users, and other stakeholders from across the world, we hope you will consider participating in this important gathering. The Symposium will provide opportunities to share with a multisectoral community your experiences and ideas on using qualitative evidence to support decision making. A wide range of organisations from across sectors are contributing to developing an exciting and innovative programme for the Symposium.

Help us identify Symposium themes!
You can get involved now by helping to identify themes that should be covered in the Symposium – please participate via the website. There, you can also indicate interest in participating in the 'Virtual Symposium' that will include a number of online activities such as plenary sessions webcasts and online group discussions.

8 March 2019

Governance Meetings April 2019 in Krakow: Message from the Board and Council Co-Chairs on the Strategic Session program

Governance Meetings April 2019 in Krakow: Message from the Board and Council Co-Chairs on the Strategic Session program

Dear Cochrane Colleagues,

We are looking forward to seeing many of you at the April Governance Meetings in Krakow, kindly hosted this year by Cochrane Poland.

The Governance Meetings provide the main annual opportunity for Cochrane’s senior leaders and Group managers to come together to learn about and discuss organizational priorities, challenges and opportunities. Feedback from previous meetings has shown that participants would value more time working together across Group-types. We’re therefore trialling a new format this year, with a full day of cross-group strategic sessions on Tuesday 2 April and a half-day on the morning of Wednesday 3 April.

The content of these strategic sessions has been developed over the past couple of months in partnership with many of you, focused on the priorities you have identified, and facilitated by the Central Executive Team. See the full program for the strategic sessions and all other scheduled meetings in Krakow on the Cochrane Community website.

On the Tuesday we will spend a full day together, beginning with brief presentations from the Governing Board and Council Co-Chairs; and the CEO, Editor-in-Chief and their teams, to bring you up-to-date on activities over the last six months, followed by a Question & Answer session with all participants. Any participant is invited to ask questions at the session, but we also welcome questions in advance on the Cochrane Forums (topic: Governance > Governance Meetings 2019), which will be answered at the session and/or on the Forums directly. The Forums provide a space for all Members and Supporters to have open and transparent online discussions about issues relevant to Cochrane.

In the morning, the Council will lead an interactive discussion on the development of a set of key principles for how Cochrane Members and Supporters work together. In order for Cochrane to achieve its goals, it is essential that all those who work for and with us around the world understand the shared values of the organization, and the key principles that promote effective collaboration and minimize the risk of serious and disruptive conflict. The Board and Council feel the time is right, given recent events within the organization but also internationally, that we set out in writing these principles and the kinds of behaviours expected of everyone interacting with Cochrane. A draft of the principles is currently being developed by the Council and will be sent out to the community before the Governance Meetings. Feedback will be invited online and at the session, with the aim of finalizing them in time for this year’s Colloquium, in Chile.

After lunch on the Tuesday we will come together again for a panel session and interactive discussion on ‘Creating an author experience fit for the future’, based on a paper developed by the Council with invited input from the Central Executive Team. Following the coffee break, there will be a presentation and discussion on the opportunities and challenges for all Group-types in in improving the author experience, supporting the continuous improvement of editorial standards for Cochrane Reviews, and the development of Cochrane Review Group Networks. Presentations will be given by the Senior Editors of the Cochrane Review Group Networks, and this will be followed by general discussion.

On the Wednesday morning, participants are invited to choose to attend one of three sessions on:

  1. Addressing Risk of Bias 2 and RevMan Web implementation (Particularly relevant to members of CRGs and Methods Groups)
  2. Supporting policy-makers in the use of evidence in governmental policy-making (Particularly relevant to members of Centres and Fields – this session has a restricted number of participants and the deadline for applications has now passed)
  3. Delivering training in Cochrane: a strategic discussion (Relevant to members of all Group-types)

We sincerely thank those who provided input into the organization and content of the Krakow Governance Meetings. We look forward to an exciting, informative and thought-provoking meeting with our Cochrane leaders from around the world. One final reminder: please don’t forget to sign-up to attend the Governance Meetings online by 15 March.

With very best wishes,

Marguerite Koster and Martin Burton
Board Co-Chairs

Fergus Macbeth and Miranda Langendam
Council Co-Chairs


6 March 2019
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