
Registrations for Cochrane’s 26th Colloquium, Santiago, Chile NOW OPEN!

Register before 25 July 2019 and get discounted rate

Register before 25 July 2019 to receive discounted rate.

This year the 26th Cochrane Colloquium will take place at CasaPiedra in the vibrant city of Santiago, Chile, 22-25 October 2019.

The theme of the Colloquium is 'Embracing diversity', recognizing Cochrane as a truly global independent community, addressing relevant health questions from international stakeholders using a range of diverse methods. 

Stipend applications open 20 March 2019

Further information:

Twitter:  @CochraneChile and #CochraneSantiago


11 February 2019

New Cochrane-Wikipedia Project Page to facilitate sharing evidence on Wikipedia

New Cochrane-Wikipedia Project Page to facilitate sharing evidence on Wikipedia

World-wide, over 10 million people per day access health-related information on Wikipedia. By participating in the Cochrane-Wikipedia Initiative we work together as a community to ensure that the health content being read on Wikipedia is reliable and unbiased.

How to get involved? 

Cochrane has a new project page that includes an updated list of the reviews for each Cochrane Review Group that have not yet been shared on Wikipedia and a helpful "Getting Started" section for new Wikipedia editors.


Potential Cochrane-Wikipedia projects include: 

  • Holding an editing event
  • Running a training seminar
  • Student-trainee Wikipedia projects
  • Updating existing citations on Wikipedia
  • Translating medical evidence on Wikipedia initiatives

There are numerous Cochrane-Wikipedia activities being organized by Cochrane Review Groups and Networks.

  • Please visit our project page for more information.
  • If you have further questions, please contact Jennifer Dawson, PhD, who works with Cochrane’s CEO Office as a Wikipedia Consultant. Her role includes maintaining and building further relations with Wikipedia, connecting new editors to the Wikipedia community, and supporting requests for engagement in Wikipedia work from the Cochrane community.
5 February 2019

Upcoming changes in RevMan Web: Comparison and Outcome labels

Upcoming changes in RevMan Web:

The labels Comparison and Outcome under Analyses in RevMan Web will be changing to Analysis Group and Analysis.

The new labels are more generic to cover the broad usage of the existing labels Outcome and Comparison. Renaming Outcome to Analysis also aligns with the Cochrane Handbook and the Cochrane Library. In most reviews, Analysis Groups will still represent comparisons.  We are making this change as part of a project to implement a new study-centric data structure in RevMan Web. The changes are not implemented in Review Manager 5.

What is study-centric data?

Study-centric data is extracted in the included studies, rather than in the Analysis. In the study-centric model, authors will define the PICO for their analysis, and RevMan Web will automatically identify the eligible studies and data.

Why is it important?

The main motivations to move to study-centric data are to support smooth integration with tools such as Covidence and the introduction of Network Meta-Analysis and other new methods in RevMan Web. There are also immediate benefits for Cochrane authors and editors:

  • Reduces duplication of data and thereby the risk of introducing errors
  • Clear workflow for authors in reviews
  • Facilitates updates of reviews as forest plots will be updated automatically when new studies are included       

When is it coming?

The new structure is a larger program of work that will continue during the first half of 2019. The Review Production Team in CET, IT Services has already started implementing the new structure in RevMan Web. Community members will be able to sign up to pilot the new structure in Q2 2019.

Until then, you will be able to join demonstrations of the ongoing work every other week - please email to signup. Training and support for trainers, editors and authors is planned to ensure a smooth introduction. Moving to study-centric data will be a decision made by the review groups on a review-by-review basis.

We are happy to answer any of your questions or give you access to the demonstrations on

1 February 2019

Meeting our Mission: A message from Cochrane’s Chief Executive Officer, Mark Wilson

Meeting our Mission

‘Cochrane exists so that healthcare decisions get better.’ That is the first sentence of our Strategy to 2020. We want individuals around the world to enjoy ‘Better Health’ because high-quality, relevant, accessible Cochrane evidence is changing decision making and improving health outcomes. Every Cochrane collaborator volunteering their time and expertise, every Cochrane Group and Central Executive Team staff member devoting part or all of their working lives, are energised and devoted to this mission: it is the fuel that drives us, the motivation that sustains and binds us together.

It’s worth reminding ourselves of the power of this shared mission given the criticism of Cochrane in recent months, from both inside and outside the organization, to ask at the beginning of a new year: ‘If that’s what we’re for, how are we doing?’ The answer - despite what you may have been hearing – is that we are meeting this mission in an extraordinary way.

We’re a knowledge organization built on the capabilities and passion of our collaborators; and the good news is that people from around the world are flocking to contribute and support our work. Last year 20,000 new members and supporters signed up to ‘Join Cochrane’! Our new membership scheme is an important driver of this growth, but Cochrane Crowd, Task Exchange and other ways for new collaborators to contribute to our work are helping to generate it. Just before Strategy to 2020 began 31,800 collaborators were registered on our Archie database, but a significant proportion of them had not been involved in the organization for many years. At the beginning of 2019 Cochrane has over 13,000 members and an additional 52,000 supporters who have actively signed up to help or support us. The new series highlighting ’30 under 30’ Cochrane researchers and contributors shows just a few of the dynamic, brilliant young people newly involved in our work. And they come from all over the world, with our geographic network now spanning 43 countries, with 17 more Centres, Associate Centres and Affiliates established since 2013 (and many more to come with the development this year of new Cochrane Networks in the US and China).

Even more importantly, the number of people accessing and using Cochrane evidence through the Cochrane Library and our website is rising spectacularly. In 2013 there were 4.2 million-page views of Cochrane Review Summaries on; by 2018 this had increased to 37 million page-views and nearly 28 million visits to our website. Twenty million of those page views (54%) were by people using non-English language browsers (compared to only 6% in 2013). This is a reflection of the outstanding work of Cochrane’s translation teams over the last five years, and we now offer nearly 26,000 abstracts and Plain-Language Summaries of Cochrane Reviews in 15 languages. The increase in visits to has also accelerated dramatically in recent years (up 85% in 2018 from the year before) as we become easier to find through Google and other searches, and easier to use through improvements to the website.

In 2017 there were 12.5 million full text downloads of Cochrane Reviews from the Cochrane Library (compared with 7.4 million downloads in 2013). The launch in August 2018 of an enhanced Cochrane Library that now integrates Biblioteca Cochrane Plus (BCP) and therefore includes a full Spanish-language capability (with the chance to add other languages in future) means we expect Review access and download figures to rise significantly in the coming year – beyond the old total of the Library plus BCP users.

This growth in usage is principally because people are finding and trusting the Cochrane evidence that we produce. Although the number of new Cochrane Reviews published in 2018 was down (from 406 in 2017 to 341) the mean number of included studies in each Review went up from 13.1 to 16.9 between 2016 and 2018; 95% of Reviews now contain Summary of Findings tables; annual citations of Cochrane Reviews rose 56% between 2013 (39,856) and 2017 (62,332); and the Cochrane Library’s Impact Factor increased 13.7% between 2013 and 2017 to 6.74: proxy indicators showing that the quality of our Reviews is rising.

Every new Cochrane Review Group Network now has its own strategic and prioritization plan to ensure that Cochrane increasingly answers the questions key audiences (clinicians, policymakers, patients and researchers) want us to address. Every year, between 70-80% of all guidelines published by the WHO cite Cochrane evidence; and it has just been announced that the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews is the most cited health-related journal in Wikipedia, where more people get their health information from than anywhere else. Our Knowledge Translation efforts are now being organized so that collectively we take Cochrane evidence into health decision making ‘moments’ on a scope and scale that we have never achieved before.

More people around the world also have free access to Cochrane Reviews (including 3.66 billion people who can access the whole Cochrane Library in low- and middle-income countries), and 60% of all Cochrane Reviews in the Library are now available to everyone, everywhere as a result of our Strategy to 2020 Open Access policy (0.6% in 2013). More people and institutions are also buying the Cochrane Library because of its value to them: sales have increased from £6.35 million in 2012 to a record £10.68 million in 2018, with Cochrane’s annual income rising from £3 million to a projected £8.3 million in that time. That means Cochrane can continue to afford the large investments required to achieve Strategy to 2020’s ambitious objectives; whilst at the same time having built up our financial reserves (from £3 million in 2013 to approximately £6.9 million at the end of 2018) to protect us against the uncertainties of the coming years.

In responding to the recent criticism of Cochrane, its strategy and leadership, David Tovey, Cochrane’s Editor in Chief, pointed out: ‘by all objective measures, Cochrane is thriving’. As the evidence above shows: it is! Over the last five years Cochrane has delivered quite remarkable increases in the quality and reach of our evidence, and in our organizational growth and impact – precisely the aims of our Strategy to 2020. And every day brings exciting news of more outstanding work accomplished by our members and supporters, only the latest being the celebrations from the hard-working team who have just completed Cochrane’s updated Methods Handbook! I’m immensely proud of these achievements, delivered through the inspirational hard work and creativity of an extraordinary community of Cochrane collaborators around the world. I hope you are, too.

Last week, Cochrane’s Governing Board held a very successful meeting in London following the election of four new members in December; recommitting the organization to the Goals and Objectives in Strategy to 2020 and approving a 2019 Plan & Budget. We will be providing more details on the 2019 Plan in the next week but see below for some of its exciting highlights. There are also many other initiatives, including priorities for the coming months identified by the Board and the Cochrane Council, involving Cochrane Groups and contributors from across our diverse organisation, supported by the Central Executive Team, that will help Cochrane collaborators to do their work and help all of us work more effectively together.

Strategy to 2020 is only a piece of paper. What it represents, much more fundamentally and importantly, is a statement and an ambition by Cochrane and all of its members and supporters to be better at what we do; helping us to get closer to our collective mission of improving the health and lives of millions more people around the world. Looking back shows us how far we’ve come since 2013, energising us to continue to do more and better in the years ahead.


Cochrane in 2019: some highlights

Goal 1: Producing evidence

  • Continuing development of Cochrane’s Systematic Review-producing Groups and Processes, through the development of the Review Group Networks and implementation of the CRG Transformation Programme.
  • Implementation and ongoing development of Cochrane’s new Content Strategy, including:
    • Implementing the Risk of Bias 2 tool (ROB2);
    • Scaling up Cochrane’s ‘Living Systematic Reviews’;
    • Developing standards and scaling up our Network Meta-analysis (NMA);
    • Deciding whether to progress work on developing Rapid Reviews
    • Exploring the use of Clinical Study Reports as source data for drug intervention reviews.
  • Assuring the quality and consistency of Cochrane’s editorial process, by:
    • Developing an editorial charter that describes agreed expectations across Review Group Networks and CRGs to assure the equity and consistently high quality of editorial processes; and
    • Developing and implementing an agreed quality assurance process for high-profile reviews.
  • Revising and completing Cochrane’s Conflict of Interest policy (including financial and non-financial conflicts) and Scientific Misconduct policy.

Goal 2: Making our evidence accessible

  • Making Cochrane Reviews more accessible to decision makers, by:
    • Developing a prioritised and costed list of potential changes to the structure and format of Cochrane Reviews with a proposed development and implementation plan to be undertaken over the course of three years.
  • Reviewing Cochrane’s Open Access and Open Data approaches.

Goal 3: Advocating for evidence

  • Continuing to deliver more features and enhancements in the Cochrane Library, with a focus on continuing to improve the discoverability, accessibility, usability and impact of our content.
    • Projects to be delivered in 2019 include PICO based search, RoB2, Living Systematic Reviews and the integration of Health Systems Evidence.
  • Influencing health policy makers to use Cochrane evidence and new advocacy initiatives, by:
    • Strengthening Cochrane’s capacity to support policy-makers and health policy managers in their uptake and use of Cochrane evidence applicable to their language and context;
    • Advocating for evidence-informed health care and the uptake of synthesized research evidence in health policy making and service planning.

Goal 4: Building an effective and sustainable organization

  • Building capacity in the Cochrane Community to produce more complex reviews and undertake knowledge translation activities to increase the impact of our evidence.
  • Evaluating, planning and beginning implementation of an improved Editorial Management System for Cochrane Review production, carried out in consultation with key Cochrane community stakeholder groups.
  • Strengthening Cochrane as a global organization, through a series of initiatives including:
    • Establishing new Cochrane Networks in the US and China to extend Cochrane’s global reach and facilitate the accessibility, use and uptake of Cochrane evidence in practice;
    • Promoting diverse participation within our organization;
    • Expanding equity in the content and accessibility of our work;
    • Supporting the next generation of Cochrane Contributors.
31 January 2019

Cochrane expresses thanks to Professor Gerd Antes for leadership of Cochrane Germany

Cochrane expresses thanks to Professor Gerd Antes for leadership of Cochrane Germany

After leading Cochrane Germany for over 20 years, Professor Gerd Antes has stepped down as Director.

Gerd has focused his career on contributing to evidence-based medicine in Germany. While working on developing Cochrane Germany, he was also one of the founders of the German Network for Evidence Based Medicine. A recurrent theme during all these years was his work and advocacy for increasing public access to research results. He campaigned for ensuring clinical trial results are published in a timely manner and emphasized the challenges of non-publishing for the provision of non-biased high-quality synthesized evidence. He also was a strong advocate for making evidence available in other languages than English. And, in addition to language translation, Gerd’s work included the transfer of knowledge in commonly understood (lay) language. He worked with the media in making complex methodology understandable for patients, students and lay persons. One of the products of this work is the German version of the Testing Treatments website: Wo ist der Beweis? Cochrane Germany also became an active contributor to translations into German language (jointly with Cochrane Austria and Cochrane Switzerland), demonstrated by Cochrane Kompakt and the blog Wissen was Wirkt.

When speaking to Gerd about his lifelong investment in evidence-based medicine and accessible information, he says ‘it just goes to show how much investment it needs to eventually get sustainable funding, for a ten year period, and the importance of continuing the activities and messages again and again although there will be long periods where the lack of success and visible results may be frustrating. There are a lot of small pieces of success which in the end may sum up a big jump. That's a lesson to be learnt by the next generation’.

The success for Cochrane Germany came with the long-term funding provided by the Ministry of Health in 2017, which provides optimal conditions for the future of Cochrane Germany and its activities.

In addition to his work in Germany, Gerd was also a member of the Cochrane Steering Group (from 1998 to 2004) representing Centre Directors; and he has contributed to many Centre Director meetings. 




Cochrane’s Chief Executive Officer, Mark Wilson, said: ‘I would sincerely like to thank Gerd for his outstanding contributions to Cochrane’s work over the last two decades. Cochrane Germany was one of the first Cochrane Centres to be established in 1998 and under Gerd’s leadership its impact on informing the debates about evidence-based medicine in Germany and beyond has been formidable. Gerd’s commitment and persistence to the cause of ensuring all have access to the best available evidence is truly commendable. On behalf of all of your Cochrane colleagues and friends, we thank you, Gerd, and wish you every success and happiness for the future.”

Cochrane Germany will be led under the new Directorship of Prof Joerg Meerpohl, supported by Michael Graf managing Director of the Cochrane Germany Foundation. Joerg holds the Cochrane professorship for Evidence in Medicine at the University of Freiburg and directs the Institute for Evidence in Medicine, Medical Center – University of Freiburg.


30 January 2019

Webinar - Introduction to new Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (Version 6)

Webinar - Introduction to new Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (Version 6)

The Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions is the official guide that describes in detail the process of preparing and maintaining Cochrane systematic reviews on the effects of healthcare interventions.

On 29 January, Cochrane Training will be hosting a free webinar to introduce the upcoming version of the Handbook to the Cochrane Community.  Julian Higgins and James Thomas, Senior Editors of Version 6 of the Cochrane Handbook, will present the new Handbook, explain how it was developed and how it is organized online and in the printed version (to be published in 2019). They will comment on the target audience of the Handbook and introduce the key sections and changes in relation to the previous Handbook version. At the end of the webinar there will be time for questions and answers. If you are unable to attend this webinar, a recording will be available afterwards.

15 January 2019

Cochrane's Editor in Chief's response to BMJ Article - 'Cochrane is thriving'

 'Cochrane is thriving'

David Tovey, Editor in Chief of the Cochrane Library, responds to a recent article in The BMJ, 'Has Cochrane lost its way?' David Tovey states that; "Cochrane is at its most effective when it adheres to its 10 key principles, which promote a culture that is open, diverse, inclusive and outwards facing, a community that is vibrant and iconoclastic, and a mission to search for truth and realism in health care." He also ensures "by all objective measures, Cochrane is thriving."

15 January 2019

Call for 'Expressions of Interest' to Join the Cochrane US Network now open

Call for 'Expressions of Interest' to Join the Cochrane US Network now open

Following consultations in September and October 2018, Cochrane has decided to establish a Cochrane US Network. This US wide Network aims to engage institutions and organizations involved in evidence-informed health care in the US.

The call for ‘Expressions of Interest’ to join the Cochrane US Network is now open. This call invites US-based organizations and institutions of different kinds to indicate their interest to support and/or join and become part of a new Cochrane US Network. The deadline for submitting an Expression of Interest is January 31, 2019.

14 January 2019

Cochrane Governing Board meeting minutes from Sept 2018, Edinburgh now available

Cochrane Governing Board meeting minutes

The minutes from the Governing Board’s meeting in Edinburgh,UK, September 2018, are now available. Governing Board members are Cochrane’s directors and trustees, and are elected to direct the strategy and policies of the organization. Questions about the minutes can be sent to

Additional resources:

8 January 2019

New KT case study: Working with national guideline developers to help them develop and adapt evidence-based guidelines

Working with national guideline developers to help them develop and adapt evidence-based guidelines

We recognize the work of Cochrane Nigeria who are supporting national guideline development groups in using Cochrane evidence to develop evidence-based guidelines and to be able to adapt existing guidelines to the Nigerian context. Cochrane Nigeria has been developing skills in how to appraise and adapt existing guidelines using the AGREE II tool, and how to use evidence, including Cochrane evidence, in the guideline development process.

Cochrane Nigeria has provided a summary of their work and offered some tips for other Cochrane Groups looking to run similar projects.

For more help and guidance about growing capacity of the users of Cochrane evidence, or if you have examples of you Knowledge Translation work that you would like to share, please contact

27 December 2018
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