
New GRADEpro - Archie integration

New GRADEpro - Archie integration

For many years, Cochrane authors have imported their RevMan 5 files in GRADEpro to build their summary of findings tables. The new integration brings a completely new experience for the use of RevMan 5 or RevMan Web together with GRADEpro - linked via Archie and your Cochrane Account. This blog post by Evidence Prime explains how it works and how to get the maximum benefit of the integration.

This integration with Cochrane Account and Archie lays the ground work for even closer integration between RevMan Web and GRADEpro in the future.

23 October 2018

Cochrane Interactive Learning

Cochrane Interactive Learning

Cochrane Interactive Learning is a series of high quality, online learning modules for conducting intervention reviews following Cochrane review methodology. Useful for both introductory-level and more experienced learners, the modules are designed for both individual distance learners and for trainers looking to create blended online and face-to-face learning.  We have created this video to promote how Cochrane Interactive Learning is being used as a fantastic addition to courses for students as part of a blended learning approach.

Cochrane Interactive Learning is available to purchase as part of an institutional license, and you can contact Richard Hollis on to discuss your requirements.

If you are a Cochrane Author (or hold an eligible Cochrane role) you have free access to Cochrane Interactive Learning and can register to use it at  The course is also made freely available to registered users who are resident in HINARI countries. If you need any further help with accessing Cochrane Interactive Learning, please contact

22 October 2018

Cochrane Crowd webinar - 30 Oct 2018

Cochrane Crowd webinar - 30 Oct 2018

Help Cochrane curate and deliver health evidence

Cochrane Crowd is an online citizen science platform that enables anyone with an interest in health to contribute to health evidence. Our volunteers make it easier for health researchers to find the latest, high-quality evidence on what treatments work and don’t work. This means health practitioners can more easily access current evidence to inform the treatments they provide. Just a few minutes each day makes a huge difference.

This webinar introduces Cochrane Crowd and how you can get involved. This webinar is scheduled for an Australasian audience. If you can’t make it at the scheduled time, feel free to register and you will be sent a copy of the recording.


Tuesday October 30th 12.30-1.30pm AEDT


Support for Project Transform was provided by Cochrane and the National Health and Medical Research Counc12/12/1996il of Australia (APP1114605). The contents of the published material are solely the responsibility of the Administering Institution, a Participating Institution or individual authors and do not reflect the views of the NHMRC.

22 October 2018

Governing Board Webinars - October 2018

Governing Board Webinars - October 2018

On 4th - 5th October 2018, Cochrane’s Governing Board held a series of three webinars at different times across the two days so that Cochrane’s global community could easily attend at least one of them. The webinars were hosted by the Governing Board Co-Chairs, Marguerite Koster and Martin Burton, and were open to all Cochrane members. A total of 175 individual attendees joined the webinars, although this number was an underestimate as some Cochrane members gathered around a single computer to join. The aims of the webinars were:

  1. To provide context and more information about the Board’s decision to end Professor Peter Gøtzsche’s membership of Cochrane, and therefore his position as a Member of the Governing Board and as Director of the Nordic Cochrane Centre.
  2. To hear perspectives from across the Collaboration about this decision and its impact on the organization; and to address questions and concerns.
  3. To look to the future for Cochrane.

The slides presented by the Co-Chairs and CEO Mark Wilson can be seen here. Following this presentation, the majority of the time on the webinar was spent answering questions received from the Cochrane community by e-mail before the webinars, and from those attending the webinars. Despite this, not all of the questions posed were able to be answered due to time constraints. The Board Co-Chairs promised to answer every question received in writing in addition to the answers given during each of the webinars. This Questions and Answers document fullfils that pledge.

The three webinars can be accessed here. They are unedited and all Cochrane members are encouraged to watch and listen to one of them. If you have any further comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Governing Board at


17 October 2018

Cochrane Taiwan is expanding its reach through a new Cochrane Affiliate

Cochrane Taiwan is expanding its reach through a new Cochrane Affiliate

Cochrane Taiwan aims to promote evidence informed health care in Taiwan, and develops partnerships with institutions in the country to achieve this aim. One of these institutions is the Chang Gung University of Science and Technology (CGUST). CGUST has now been given Cochrane Affiliate status.

CGUST is committed to training healthcare personnel, and promotes evidence informed health care actively. This is the first affiliate of Cochrane Taiwan. Cochrane Taiwan and President Ying-Tung Lau of CGUST signed a memorandum of cooperation in the presence of Taipei Medical University (TMU) President Chien-Huang Lin. It is expected that the Cochrane Taiwan and CGUST will collaborate in teaching, research, promoting evidence informed health care and enhancing knowledge translation to raise awareness of synthesized health evidence in Taiwan.

Cochrane Taiwan, hosted by TMU, was established in 2015 as a Cochrane Associate Centre. Cochrane Taiwan is striving to promote Cochrane’s mission to “promote evidence-informed health decision-making by producing high-quality, relevant, accessible systematic reviews and other synthesized research evidence”. Cochrane Taiwan focuses on establishing a cooperation network to encourage domestic communication and promotion of evidence informed health care.

16 October 2018

Webinar for Prioritization of Systematic Review Topics

Webinar for Prioritization of Systematic Review Topics

In order to support the implementation of the Guidance note for Cochrane Groups to define systematic review priorities the members of the Knowledge Translation Prioritization Working Group would like to invite you to join our interactive webinar on the process for defining systematic review priorities. The date for the webinar is:

  • Monday 3rd December, 08:00 GMT

You can use to find the time of the meeting in your location.

The webinar will be an opportunity to talk to members of the Working Group and people from other Cochrane Groups, about any area of the prioritization process that you are working on. It will be a chance to ask questions about other people’s experiences, try to clarify anything which isn’t clear in the guidance note, or ask about the mandatory standards for including a review on the ‘Priority Review List’.

The webinar can be tailored to the specific topics in which you would like more information by submitting your questions in the week before the webinar.

9 October 2018

2018 Cochrane contributor prize and award winners

2018 Cochrane contributor prize and award winners

Each year at our annual Colloquium, Cochrane presents a number of awards and prizes to contributors to recognize contributions to our work and organization made in various ways. This year the awards were presented at the Welcoming Reception of Colloquium Edinburgh.


Thomas C Chalmers Award is awarded to the principal author of the best oral and the best poster presentation addressing methodological  issues related to systematic reviews.

2018 Winners: The Best Long Oral Presentation was awarded to Adriani Nikolakopoulou from the University of Bern; Switzerland for 'The emerging evidence synthesis tools: actively living network meta-analysis'. The Best Short Oral Presentation: Leonie Van Grootel from the Tilburg University, Netherlands for 'Using Bayesian information for matching qualitative and quantitative sources in a mixed studies review'.


The Chris Silagy Prize is awarded to an individual who has made an "extraordinary" contribution to the work of Cochrane which would not be recognized outside the scope of this prize.

2018 Winner: Karin Dearness



The Rosamund Snow Prize enabled two people aged under 30, with experience as health service users and an interest in evidence-based medical research, to attend the Colloquium. Rosamund Snow (1971-2017) will be remembered by many for her work to champion patients’ involvement in healthcare. Rosamund’s mother, Mary Snow, has established this prize in Rosamund’s name.

2018 Winners: Emma Cartwright and Jess Rees 

Emma and Jess


The Kenneth Warren Prize is awarded at each Cochrane Colloquium to the principal author of whichever Cochrane Review authored by a national living in a developing country is judged to be both of high methodological quality and relevant to health problems in developing countries.

2018 Winner: Nai Ming Lai

Kenneth Warren Prize

Read: 'Kenneth Warren Prize 2018 goes to a Malaysian'


The Bill Silverman Prize is awarded at each Cochrane Colloquium to acknowledge explicitly the value of criticism of Cochrane, with a view to helping to improve its work, and thus achieve its aim of helping people make well-informed decisions about health care by providing the best possible evidence on the effects of healthcare interventions.

2018 Winner: Matthew Page

Bill Silverman


The Anne Anderson Award is awarded at each Cochrane Colloquium to a female member of Cochrane who has made a significant contribution to the enhancement and visibility of women's participation within Cochrane.

2018 Winner: Kay Dickersin

Anne Anderson Award


A warm to congratulations to all our 2018 winners!

1 October 2018

Not at the 2018 AGM?

Not at the 2018 AGM?

The recording of this year’s Cochrane Annual General Meeting, held on Monday 17 September at the Cochrane Colloquium in Edinburgh, is now available.




Introduction (00:00:00)
In Memorium (00:04:40)
Council Report (00:31:48)
Co-Chairs’ Report / Statement from the Board (00:36:10)
CEO’s Report (00:46:30)
Editor-in-Chief’s Report (00:56:19)
Members’ Questions (01:11:17)

All proposed Resolutions were passed by the Members at the meeting. The results of the votes are available at Draft minutes from the meeting will be sent to Members in due course.

26 September 2018
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