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  • NIHR Complex Reviews Unit to provide support for Cochrane COVID-19 work
    The NIHR Complex Reviews Unit (CRSU) has offered to provide advice and analytical support for COVID-19 related evidence synthesis, in whatever way Cochrane authors consider appropriate, including support for Rapid Reviews and Living Systematic Reviews. Expertise within the CRSU include: Diagnostic test accuracy  reviews Network meta-…
  • image of a hand making checks on a checklist
    Cochrane has launched a new online learning module on Synthesis Without Meta-analysis (SWiM) reporting guidelines. Designed for systematic review authors or readers, the module provides training on the nine SWiM items to improve the transparent reporting of synthesis of intervention effects when the synthesis does not use meta-analysis of…
  • Close up of a woman looking at figurines with a microscope
    The revised policy, which we plan to implement on October 14, 2020, includes stricter rules for financial interests and the consideration of non-financial interests.  Cochrane is proud to release its revised Conflict of Interest policy for Cochrane Library Content. The policy was created with the support of a project board made up of key…
  • Cochrane Governing Board agenda and open access papers available - April 2020
    The agenda and open access papers for the Cochrane Governing Board teleconference on 30-31 March and 1st of April  are now available to view online, for information only. Cochrane's governing body is the Governing Board. The Board is responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of Cochrane’s strategic direction. If you would…
  • Do you want to lead Cochrane from 2020 onwards?
    The nomination period for a new Co-Chair of the Governing Board is still open until Tuesday 14th April 2020 in any timezone. If you hold, or have held, some kind of leadership position in Cochrane you are invited to apply. The Board has two Co-Chairs, to share workload, utilize complementary skills and experience, and permit continuity through…
  • photo of a stack of pictures and a magnifying glass
    RevMan Web is Cochrane’s online review-writing platform. It is available for use by all authors and editors of Cochrane Reviews of interventions. One benefit of RevMan Web is that it is constantly being updated with new features for making writing systematic reviews easier and more efficient.  The Validation Report in RevMan Web helps…
  • The 27th Cochrane Colloquium, Toronto 2020 invites submissions for abstracts
    FURTHER EXTENSION: The deadline for abstract submissions is now 23.59 UTC, 6 April 2020 Dear Community Colleagues,   As a result of the continued spread and impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) across the world, we wanted to update you with important news and information regarding Cochrane’s 27th annual Colloquium in Toronto, 4-7th…
  • Launch of Crowd version 2
    Our much anticipated updates to Cochrane Crowd were launched earlier this week with great fanfare and an extraordinary amount of celebratory tea! These updates were closely informed by the user research project we ran last year, where we asked for suggestions and feedback from you, the Cochrane Crowd community. We were touched by all the…
  • Cochrane India
    Cochrane’s work in India has been capably led for many years by the Cochrane South Asia Centre, based at the Prof Bhoosham V Moses Centre for Evidence- Informed Healthcare and Health Policy at Christian Medical College, Vellore. Following the closure of Cochrane South Asia in 2019, we have an opportunity to launch a new chapter in Cochrane’s…
  • Dr. Thanitsara Rittiphairoj; 2019 Anne Anderson Award Prize money recipient
    The Anne Anderson Award recognizes a female member of Cochrane who has made a significant contribution to the enhancement and visibility of women's participation within Cochrane. The winner then designates the cash award to assist a woman from a low-resource setting with her Cochrane activities. Here we speak to the recipient of the cash award…
  • Image of a computer with a coffee cup, pen, and glasses
    RevMan Web is Cochrane’s online review-writing platform. It is available for use by all authors and editors of Cochrane Reviews of interventions.  Getting started in RevMan Web is easy. Take 2 minutes out of your day to view the Quickstart guides for authors and editorial teams. Also, find all resources on RevMan Web on the RevMan…
  • Cochrane at the WHO: Supporting initiatives to prevent deafness and hearing loss
    Chris Brennan-Jones gives an overview of how working on a suite of Cochrane reviews on chronic suppurative otitis media has led to a deeper partnership with WHO on a range of initiatives that focus on the prevention of deafness and hearing loss. Could you give a quick introduction to yourself and your work within Cochrane? "I am the Head of the…
  • Eivind Berge
    On behalf of everyone within the Cochrane community, we are sad to learn of the death of Eivind Berge. Eivind played a substantial role in Cochrane Stroke and will be remembered dearly by the community.  On 6th February 2020 we lost our good friend and Cochrane Stroke colleague, Eivind Berge.  Eivind was Consultant Cardiologist at the…
  • Image of an elderly person's hands being held by a health professional
    A new module in the Cochrane Interactive Learning online course teaches users about health equity, and how considerations of health equity can be incorporated into the systematic reviews. In this interview, the lead author of this module, Jennifer Petkovic, tell us about the module.  First, can you tell us what health equity means? …
  • Image of a microphone in a conference room
    Following discussions during and after the Edinburgh Colloquium (2018), the Governing Board requested that we revise the current spokesperson policy in order to provide more clarity and guidance for people in leadership positions within Cochrane.  We are pleased to share this revision with you here. This now includes a section on applying…
  • Governance Meetings: information on the strategic meetings and latest travel advice
    Cancellation of Cochrane’s Governance Meetings, Manchester 2020 Dear Colleagues,  As a result of the increasing travel restrictions being placed upon our delegates, and the continued spread and impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) across the world, Cochrane’s Governance Meetings in Manchester between 30th March - 1st April have been…
  • Appointments to Cochrane Council
    The Cochrane Council aims to ensure that Cochrane Groups retain an effective voice in Cochrane’s leadership and strategic decision-making. We are delighted to welcome Jo Morrison as new Coordinating Editor representative, Vanessa Jordan as new Authors representative and Sarah Nevitt as new Methods representative. Jo is a gynaecological cancer…
  • Cochrane Scientific Committee seeks new members
    We seek applications to five vacant positions on the Cochrane Scientific Committee; two positions are for those from within the Cochrane community, two positions are for representation external to Cochrane, and one position is for an early career researcher.  All positions start in May 2020. Please note the deadline is 25 March 2020. This…
  • A picture of 4 women, members of the Community Support Team
    Set up in February 2018, the Cochrane Community Support team provides first-line support to the Cochrane Community. We respond to a wide variety of queries about all aspects of Cochrane’s work, from staff, contributors, and members of the public. Queries come in to through our Support Helpdesk.  Our Community says…
  • EVBRES Cost-Action qualitative study
    Dear Cochrane colleagues,   We are part of the EU-funded EVBRES COST Action that aims to encourage the use of an Evidence-Based Research (EBR) approach while carrying out clinical research. Within our Working Group we want to assess what areas of the systematic review process are most resource intensive and why. To increase our understanding…
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