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  • Seoul skyline
    Cochrane Colloquia are our annual flagship events, bringing together Cochrane contributors from around the world to discuss, develop and promote Cochrane, and help shape its future. The 2016 Cochrane Colloquium will be held in Seoul, South Korea from 23-27 October. For full information regarding the Colloquium, please visit the website. Key…
  • The Cochrane Library is changing!
    We want to share some exciting news about changes in development for the Cochrane Library! We are developing an enhanced Cochrane Library with greater functionality that makes it easier for users to discover and use Cochrane content in their decision-making. Over the course of this year, we are redeveloping all aspects of the Cochrane Library to…
  • New and updated standards for Cochrane intervention reviews
    MECIR (Methodological Expectations for Cochrane Intervention Reviews) standards for conduct and reporting have been updated. We have added two new sets of standards to cover the reporting of protocols and the planning, conduct, and reporting of updates. For further information and to download the latest booklet of standards please visit the…
  • Steering Group agenda and open access papers now available
    The Agenda and Open Access papers for the Cochrane Steering Group meeting in Seoul are now available. Cochrane Community members may be particularly  interested in the following papers: CEU Report on Review Quality Governance Restructure Papers Knowledge Translation Strategy Update Membership Update Spokesperson Policy Structure and…
  • Archie Update: October 2016
    The IKMD team is pleased to announce an update to Archie effective 4 October 2016. The update includes several new features; most noticeable to contributors will be the Archie log-in page, which is now Cochrane-branded. This change reflects that Archie is one of several systems to which your account provides access. Other changes relate to new…
  • Cochrane Translations: Using WhatsApp to communicate with the translation volunteers
    Cochrane Brazil manages a team of volunteer translators who work on systematic review abstracts and Plain Language Summaries. Part of this process involves editing and ensuring the quality of the Portuguese translations produced before they are published. Due to the popularity of WhatsApp in the country, Patricia Logullo, translation editor at…
  • Taking a closer look at how we store blogshots and user engagement with them on twitter.
    Taking a closer look at how we store blogshots and user engagement with them on twitter.  Muriah Umoquit, Internal Communications and Content Officer with Cochrane’s Communications & External Affairs Department, spent the last quarter looking at the newest Cochrane dissemination product, blogshots. Here she shares the results: We have…
  • Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group: 20th anniversary prioritization workshop
    This is part of a series of Cochrane case studies about prioritization work by Cochrane Review Groups. You can read more by visiting the priority setting case study page. The Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group (CTAG) has a longstanding commitment to prioritization, largely through informal discussions at the editorial base and by monitoring…
  • Celebrating a new chapter in Cochrane’s next generation evidence system
    ‘It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.’ World famous philosopher (and sometime baseball player) Yogi Berra got it spot on. We’re all constantly making judgements – large and small – about the future based on our knowledge, experience, values, and intellectual analysis, but also our ‘gut instincts’ and feelings, when we can’t…
  • Launch of Cochrane Global Ageing
    Cochrane’s newest Field, Global Ageing, launches on 1 October 2016. This field is the natural evolution of the Cochrane Healthcare of Older People Field. Read more about Cochrane Global Ageing in an interview with Managing Editor and Co-Director, Sue Marcus, on For more information, please see 'Introducing Cochrane Global Ageing' on…
  • Cochrane's open access policy and licence for publication forms
    We are pleased to provide an update on Cochrane’s open access policy, which has been in place since February 2013. The open access policy aims to broaden access to Cochrane Reviews (including protocols) and generate greater impact. Since February 2013, Cochrane Reviews have been free to view 12 months after publication (green open access) via the…
  • Cochrane Crowd – Diagnostic Test Accuracy identification task is here!
    We all know that identifying studies for inclusion in reviews is challenging. We also know the reasons for this – poor reporting, poor indexing and the ever-increasing volume of research being published. Cochrane Crowd’s 3,000 citizen scientists are already accurately and quickly identifying reports of randomized controlled trials for inclusion in…
  • Peer review for Cochrane Reviews
    This week is Peer Review Week, a global event to celebrate and debate peer review. This is the second year the event has taken place and it has expanded to involve over 20 organizations with an interest in peer review. You can read more on the Peer Review Week website and by following #PeerRevWk16 on Twitter. This year's theme is Recognition for…
  • Cochrane announces support of new donor
    Cochrane is delighted to announce that we have received a grant of USD $1.15 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The grant will support the development of Cochrane's next generation evidence system, with a specific focus on maternal and child health, and a number of Cochrane Groups, including the Child Health Field and the…
  • Funding opportunities at the European level
    Angéline Serre has joined the Cochrane Communication and External Affairs Department (CEAD) in September 2015 with the aim of stimulating and accompanying the participation of Cochrane teams in European funding programs. She has a background in health research (PhD in neurosciences) and an expertise in developing applications for EU calls for…
  • Call for applications: Cochrane Review Support Programme
    The Cochrane Editorial Unit is pleased to announce that the third funding round of the Cochrane Review Support Programme (CRSP) pilot is now open. There have been some changes to the application guidelines and form:   1.    Applications for titles that have been funded through alternative sources will be accepted. The…
  • Call for volunteers: Wikipedia editing
    The Cochrane-Wikipedia partnership is pleased to announce a pilot in which volunteers will work with Cochrane Global Ageing to help improve the medical and health content of Wikipedia in this area. If you are a student in a health- or care-related discipline, and have an interest in communicating about evidence informed health care, this is a…
  • Cochrane Steering Group announces change in membership
    Holger Schünemann has announced his resignation from the Cochrane Steering Group (CSG). He will focus on leading Cochrane Canada and efforts to attract long-term funding to the Cochrane Groups based in Canada. His resignation takes effect from 22 August. We’d like to thank him for his service on the CSG and his contributions to its work over the…
  • Cochrane Contributor: Salomé Planas
    Salomé Planas is the Spanish translation coordinator for Cochrane Iberoamérica and has been involved with Cochrane since 1998. Here she reflects on her experience and the changes she has seen during the last 18 years, as well as explaining why she is proud to be part of Cochrane. How did you first get involved with Cochrane? "I got involved in…
  • Strategy to 2020 2016 Mid-Year Review now available
    The 2016 Mid-Year Review, reporting on progress of targets associated with Cochrane's Strategy to 2020, is now available. This report provides a comprehensive update of work underway on all 17 2016 targets, and a more detailed picture of the data highlighted in the 2016 Q2 Dashboard, which was published in July. For more information on this…
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