
Tender and Funding Round-Up

Tender and Funding Round-Up

A round-up of active tender and funding opportunities that may be of interest to Cochrane contributors, authors, and groups - updated through the month.


No current listing - please check back at a later date


If you have a funding opportunity you would like to share, please send the following information to Lydia Parsonson ( -  Name of funding Opportunity, who should apply, country funding open to, general information, closing date, link to more information.


4 October 2022

Survey round-up

Survey round-up

A round-up of active surveys submitted by Cochrane contributors, colleagues, and partners seeking input from the Cochrane Community - updated through the month. 

Feedback on Early Career Professional (ECP) Cochrane Groups' activities and events
General information: A brief survey to collect feedback about the events of our Cochrane ECP Group and suggestions for future activities. The collected information will be anonymous. Your feedback will be collated by the ECP steering group and used to inform any changes to current events and decide on what improvements should be made.
Who is running the survey: Early Career Professionals Cochrane Group
Who should take the survey: All early career professionals in the Cochrane Community; you don't have to have attended a Cochrane ECP event to offer feedback. 


If you would like to add your survey, please review our survey and consultations policy and provide the following information to Lydia Parsonson (

General information: 1-2 sentences explaining what the survey is about
Who is running the survey:
Who should take the survey: e.g. guideline developers, researchers, users, Cochrane authors
Closing date:

4 October 2022

Updated content and design of Cochrane Interactive Learning modules

Cochrane Interactive Learning Logo

Cochrane is pleased to announce that a major update of Cochrane Interactive Learning course has been completed.

The course consists of 11 self-directed online learning modules on how to conduct a systematic review of interventions. It has gone through several minor updates since its launch in 2017, but this year we've completed a major update to ensure it is fully aligned with the methods set out in the latest version (6.3, 2022) of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. We have also made adjustments in the design of modules to improve the learners' experience.

Cochrane Training


In this process, we reviewed the user feedback collected over the last couple of years and worked closely with the experts from the Cochrane Methods Groups. The following is a summary of changes to the course:

  • Across the modules, we made numerous edits to ensure the content is methodologically up to date. For example:
    • in Module 2: Writing the review protocol, we've provided a protocol template for intervention reviews, now available as a practice review in RevMan Web;
    • Module 3: Searching for studies have been thoroughly reworked to emphasise the essential role of Information Specialists in conducting systematic reviews;
    • in Module 4: Selecting studies and collecting data we’ve updated the PRISMA flow diagram;
    • in Module 5: Introduction to risk of bias we've referred to the new versions of RoB 2 tool for cross-over trials, cluster randomised trials and non-randomised trials;
    • in Module 6: Analysing the data we updated the existing resources (e.g. screencasts on using RevMan calculator) and added new ones (e.g. a tutorial on interpretation of subgroup analyses in systematic reviews);
    • in Module 8: Reporting the review we updated the section on Plain language summaries.
  • We have reworked a number of Assessment questions to make them less challenging for learners.
  • We have added navigation buttons to allow easier moving through the module pages.
Cochrane Training


We hope the updated Cochrane Interactive Learning will continue to be of use to systematic review authors both within Cochrane community and more broadly.

Dario Sambunjak
Senior Learning Content Officer
Development Directorate
Cochrane Central Executive Team


19 September 2022

Welcoming Ingrid Arévalo-Rodriguez as Methods Implementation Editor

Ingrid Arévalo-Rodriguez

We are pleased to welcome Ingrid Arévalo-Rodriguez to the Cochrane Central Executive Team as Methods Implementation Editor

In this role, Ingrid will work closely with the Cochrane methods community and teams across the Central Executive to deliver on activities so Cochrane can produce and publish a variety of evidence synthesis types and other content that aligns with Cochrane’s strategy for review production and meets Cochrane’s mission. Some of her key responsibilities will include coordinating the development of best practice resources for Cochrane’s methodological standards (such as Handbooks), leading on editorial and methods projects to develop Cochrane’s platforms and processes, and being the main point of contact for the methods community and Methods Groups.

Ingrid Arévalo-Rodriguez

Ingrid is a clinical epidemiologist with a PhD in Preventive Medicine and Public Health and experience as a lecturer in epidemiology and health research methods. She has recently been a systematic reviewer with Cochrane Response and post-doctoral fellow in the Clinical Biostatistics Unit at the Hospital Universitario Ramon y Cajal in Madrid. She has authored and co-authored Cochrane Reviews of interventions and diagnostic test accuracy and a chapter in the upcoming Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Diagnostic Test Accuracy, as well as systematic reviews in other high-impact journals and methodological papers on rapid reviews for diagnostic technologies. Ingrid is a member of the Cochrane Screening and Diagnostic Tests Methods GroupCochrane Iberoamerican Network and GRADE Working Group

Ingrid will work full time and is based in Madrid, Spain. We are delighted she’s joining the team! Please join me in welcoming her to this new role in Cochrane.

Originally posted on Cochrane Methods

13 September 2022

2022 Cochrane Awards and Prizes - Nominations now closed

2022 Cochrane Awards and Prizes - Nominations open until 3 Oct 2022

Every year Cochrane awards members of its Community with a range of prizes that highlight high-quality methodological research, supporting health decision-making in developing countries, and contributors who have made a significant contribution to the organization.

The winners of the 2022 prize will be announced at Cochrane's Annual General Meeting on 17 October 2022.

We encourage everyone in the Cochrane Community to review these awards and nominate collogues. You have until the 3 October 2022 to make your nominations.

The Kenneth Warren Prize

The Kenneth Warren Prize is awarded to the principal author of whichever Cochrane Review authored by a national living in a developing country is judged to be both of high methodological quality and relevant to health problems in developing countries.

Siew Cheng Foong



The Bill Silverman Prize

The Bill Silverman Prize is awarded to acknowledge explicitly the value of criticism of Cochrane, with a view to helping to improve its work, and thus achieve its aim of helping people make well-informed decisions about health care by providing the best possible evidence on the effects of healthcare interventions.

Paula Williamson



The Anne Anderson Award

The Anne Anderson Award is awarded to a female member of Cochrane who has made a significant contribution to the enhancement and visibility of women's participation within Cochrane.

Wai Cheng



The Chris Silagy Prize

The Chris Silagy Prize is awarded to an individual who has made an “extraordinary” contribution to the Cochrane' s work.

Nominations should be sent to Sally Green ( with the name of the Prize in the subject heading. Nominations should include a nominator, two seconders, acceptance of nomination and a one-page supporting document supporting the nomination against the criteria. A selection panel of three individuals is appointed each year from past members of the Steering Group and its advisory committees, and the previous year's Prize recipient (if not conflicted). A governing committee oversees the Prize.

Joy Oliver


10 August 2022

Cochrane announces new Director of Development, Dr Gavin Adams

Cochrane announces new Director of Development, Dr Gavin Adams

Cochrane, the global, independent network of researchers, professionals, patients, carers and people who are interested in evidence-informed healthcare is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Gavin Adams as their first Director of Development.

Gavin will join Cochrane – which recently welcomed Catherine Spencer as new Chief Executive – in early October to lead a portfolio of work in fundraising, communications and business development. His experience and credentials are a great match for Cochrane.

Gavin is currently employed with the Extern Group as Director of Business Development. Extern is a large charity which delivers services to extremely vulnerable people in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, including people who are homeless, refugees, people with addictions, and disadvantaged young people and families. In this role, Gavin leads on the organisation’s income generation, communications and engagement, strategic development and public affairs activities.

Prior to taking up his role with Extern, Gavin undertook a similar position with the Royal National Institute for Blind People (RNIB). Gavin has also been a Programme Manager and Head of Programmes with the Big Lottery Fund where he managed the assessment of funding applications and developed new funding programmes.

Catherine Spencer, Chief Executive, Cochrane said:

“Cochrane is evolving. Gavin’s experience and knowledge in both development and programme management will help him develop worthwhile business and funding opportunities. His extensive experience of senior management will serve him well as a member of our Executive Leadership Team and leading a large multi-function team.”

Commenting on his appointment, Gavin stated:

“I am hugely excited about this opportunity to work with Cochrane. A key function of this role will be to ensure Cochrane continues to deliver its vital work, ensuring a sustainable and successful future and I look forward to bringing my experience to this role.”

9 August 2022

Summary of the Governing Board and Council meetings - July 2022

Summary of the Governing Board and Council meetings - July 2022

Since the start of the year, the Governing Board and Council have each been holding monthly meetings by videoconference. These alternate between meetings with formal agendas; and ‘agenda-less’ meetings, which provide space for more informal, free-flowing discussions that can be difficult to create in virtual meetings. This month, the Board held a formal meeting.
Governing Board meeting:
The Governing Board met on 13 July. If you want to read the papers from the open access agenda pack, they’re available to download from the Board’s pages on the Cochrane Community website.
Catherine Spencer was welcomed to the meeting, her first formal meeting as CEO. CET staff who are leaving Cochrane were thanked for their service and commitment.  The focus of  the meeting was the decisions the Board has a legal and regulatory responsibility to take before the Trustee’s Report and Financial Statements are approved. These decisions were:

  1. Approval of the Letter of Representation and the Going Concern Assessment in connection with the audit of the Cochrane Collaboration for year ended 31 December 2021. This enabled  
  2. Approval of the 2021 Trustees’ Report & Financial Statements.

Two further ‘business’ resolutions were approved: to appoint Casey Early, Director of Finance & Corporate Services as Company Secretary; and to provide Catherine Spencer with all CEO-level financial and non-financial delegations with effect from 11 July 2022.

For questions or comments about Board agendas, please email
Tracey Howe & Catherine Marshall
Co-Chairs, Governing Board

25 July 2022

This week Catherine Spencer starts as Cochrane’s new Chief Executive Officer

Cochrane's new CEO

Catherine joins Cochrane from The Seafarers’ Charity where she held the position of CEO.

Governing Board Co-Chairs, Tracey Howe and Catherine Marshall said: "We are delighted to welcome Catherine to Cochrane. Catherine is a proven Chief Executive with an exceptional record leading non-profit organisations. She brings expertise in strategic planning, change management, and communications under pinned by a global perspective. Catherine is well positioned to partner with the Editor-in-Chief, Karla Soares-Weiser, to lead Cochrane as we drive an exciting programme of delivering trusted evidence, promoting informed decisions, and better health.”

Prior to her role at The Seafarers’ Charity, Catherine was acting Chief Operating Officer and Director of Communications and Change Management at international public health research organisation, icddrb, in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Between 2008-2015 Catherine held various senior management roles at the Army Families Federation, including three years as Chief Executive.

Catherine Spencer said, “Like all organisations post-Covid, we have challenges to deal with, but I see so much opportunity for Cochrane in the future. I look forward to what will inevitably be stimulating conversations with the Cochrane Community about what a thriving future Cochrane looks like and what we need to do to achieve that as we build a long-term strategy together.

I spent three and a half years working at icddr,b, in Dhaka, Bangladesh - a large public health research organisation, that at the time was facing enormous financial and structural challenge. Working as part of the Senior Leadership Team, and very closely with the Executive Director and Board, the organization was rejuvenated, meaning its essential public health research could continue. Thus, I come to Cochrane familiar with an organisation managing change and I look forward to working with you, collaboratively to steer Cochrane to success.”

Catherine will meet with the Cochrane Community in two introductory webinars on 27 July to accommodate different time zones. Invites will be sent directly to Community Members via email.

12 July 2022

Remembering Gail Higgins

Remembering Gail Higgins

It is with great sadness that we share the news that our friend and colleague Gail Higgins recently passed away. Gail was the Senior Information Specialist for the Cochrane Kidney and Transplant Group in Sydney, Australia.

Gail was an active member of Cochrane, and she shared her knowledge and quick wit with many of us. Prior to joining the Kidney and Transplant Group, Gail worked with the Haematological Malignancies Group as it was then known in Germany, and the Cochrane Cancer Network, an initiative that was managed in the UK. In 2007 Gail was seconded to the World Health Organisation in Geneva to work on their clinical trials registry platform. Gail’s passion for Cochrane and for the Community she was part of came through during her time representing Information Specialists on the Cochrane Steering Group and as a member of the Information Specialists Executive.

Gail will always be remembered dearly as a caring colleague, and for her continued commitment and contribution to Cochrane over many years.

Our heartfelt condolences to her family, friends, and colleagues.

Please use this online tribute to share your memories and pictures of Gail Higgins and your condolence messages for her family. We will share this board with her family at the end of July.

Karla Soares-Weiser

Toby Lasserson
Deputy Editor-in-Chief

11 July 2022
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