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Cochrane Africa Network
Cochrane Argentina
Cochrane Argentina (AOA)
Cochrane Argentina (Centro Rosarino de Estudios Perinatales)
Cochrane Argentina (HECA)
Cochrane Argentina (Hospital Alemán)
Cochrane Argentina (Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy)
Cochrane Argentina (Universidad del Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires)
Cochrane Australia
Cochrane Austria
Cochrane Belgium
Cochrane Bosnia and Herzegovina
Cochrane Brazil
Cochrane Brazil Amazon Region
Cochrane Brazil Ceara
Cochrane Brazil Minas Gerais
Cochrane Brazil Paraiba
Cochrane Brazil Rio de Janeiro
Cochrane Cameroon
Cochrane Canada
Cochrane Canada Francophone
Cochrane Caribbean
Cochrane Central America and Spanish-speaking Caribbean
Cochrane Chile
Cochrane Chile (Catholic University of Concepcion)
Cochrane Chile (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)
Cochrane Chile (University of Chile)
Cochrane Chile (University of la Frontera)
Cochrane Chile (University of Valparaíso)
Cochrane China
Cochrane China (Centre for Evidence-based Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine)
Cochrane China (Centre for Evidence-based Medicine and Clinical Research, Peking University
Cochrane China (Department of Evidence-based Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology, Wuhan University)
Cochrane China (Evidence-based Medicine Centre, Fudan University)
Cochrane China (Evidence-based Medicine Centre, School of Public Health, Lanzhou University)
Cochrane China (School of Public Health and Management, Chongqing Medical University)
Cochrane China (University of Nottingham Ningbo)
Cochrane China Network
Cochrane Colombia
Cochrane Colombia (Centro Médico Imbanaco - Instituto de Investigación)
Cochrane Colombia (FUCS)
Cochrane Colombia (Fundación Cardioinfantil - Instituto de Cardiología (FCI-IC))
Cochrane Colombia (National University of Colombia)
Cochrane Colombia (Pontifical University of Javeriana)
Cochrane Colombia (Universidad de Cartagena)
Cochrane Colombia (Universidad del Cauca)
Cochrane Colombia (University of Antioquia)
Cochrane Croatia
Cochrane Czech Republic
Cochrane Denmark
Cochrane Dominican Republic
Cochrane Ecuador
Cochrane Finland
Cochrane France
Cochrane Germany
Cochrane Greece
Cochrane Hong Kong
Cochrane Hungary
Cochrane Iberoamerica
Cochrane Iberoamerica Basque country
Cochrane Iberoamerica Navarra
Cochrane India (All India Institute of Medical Sciences)
Cochrane India (Christian Medical College Vellore)
Cochrane India (India Council of Medical Research)
Cochrane India (Institute of Dental Sciences)
Cochrane India (King George’s Medical University)
Cochrane India (Manipal Academy of Higher Education)
Cochrane India (Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research)
Cochrane India (Pragyaan Sustainable Health Outcome)
Cochrane India (Tata Memorial Centre)
Cochrane India Network
Cochrane Indonesia
Cochrane Iran
Cochrane Ireland
Cochrane Italy
Cochrane Italy (Associali)
Cochrane Japan
Cochrane Kenya
Cochrane Korea
Cochrane Madrid (Affiliate Odontology UCM)
Cochrane Madrid (IRYCIS/Universidad Francisco de Vitoria)
Cochrane Malaysia
Cochrane Mexico
Cochrane Mexico (Civil Hospital of Guadalajara)
Cochrane Mexico (IMSS)
Cochrane Mexico (Medica Sur Clinic Foundation)
Cochrane Mexico (Mexico Children's Hospital Federico Gomez)
Cochrane Mexico (National Institute of Psychiatry)
Cochrane Mexico (National Institute of Public Health)
Cochrane Mexico (Sinaloa's Pediatric Hospital)
Cochrane Mexico (UNAM)
Cochrane Mexico (Universidad Marista de Merida)
Cochrane Netherlands
Cochrane New Zealand
Cochrane Nigeria
Cochrane Norway
Cochrane Pakistan
Cochrane Paraguay
Cochrane Peru (Instituto Nacional de Salud)
Cochrane Peru (Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia)
Cochrane Poland
Cochrane Portugal
Cochrane Portugal (Coimbra)
Cochrane Portugal (Lisbon)
Cochrane Portugal (National School of Public Health)
Cochrane Portugal (Porto)
Cochrane Portugal (University of Beira Interior)
Cochrane Romania
Cochrane Russia
Cochrane Singapore
Cochrane South Africa
Cochrane South America
Cochrane Sweden
Cochrane Switzerland
Cochrane Taiwan
Cochrane Taiwan (Chang Gung University of Science and Technology)
Cochrane Thailand
Cochrane UK
Cochrane Uruguay
Cochrane US (AcademyHealth)
Cochrane US (American College of Physicians)
Cochrane US (Cornell University)
Cochrane US (Mayo Clinic Evidence-based Practice Center)
Cochrane US (Mississippi Centre of Evidence-Based Practice)
Cochrane US (Penn Medicine Center for Evidence-based Practice)
Cochrane US (RTI International – University of North Carolina Evidence-based Practice Center)
Cochrane US (Texas Christian University)
Cochrane US (The Ohio State University)
Cochrane US (Tufts University)
Cochrane US (U.S. GRADE Network)
Cochrane US (University of Chicago Medicine)
Cochrane US (University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus)
Cochrane US (University of Maryland School of Medicine)
Cochrane US (University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center)
Cochrane US Network
Cochrane US West
Tier one
- Any -
Promote Cochrane and its work
Support and develop the community of Cochrane members
Disseminate Cochrane reviews locally
Be Cochrane's official representative(s) locally
Tier two
- Any -
Build local partnerships with key stakeholders
Contribute to Cochrane’s priority setting work
Support review production through training and membership
Train users of evidence
Host local events
Tier three
- Any -
Act as a coordinating centre for Cochrane activities
Undertake / contribute to methodological or other research
Expand and diversify Cochrane funding base
Undertake local knowledge translation activities
Maintain an advocacy programme
Tier four
- Any -
Support Cochrane Consumer Network
Search for sources, especially non-English sources
Support student engagement
Increase access of Cochrane evidence in different languages
Evidence production
- Any -
Cochrane review and evidence production
Other review and evidence production
Type of activity
- Any -
Trainings, learning opportunities, workshops
Conferences or professional development (organized or attended)
Curricula development
Language translations
Tools, methods, material development
Priority setting
Evidence production
Dissemination / Knowledge Translation
Partnership development
Contributions to use of Cochrane evidence in healthcare guidelines
Contributions or improvements to health-related policy on local or national levels
Promote Cochrane or the Cochrane geographic group(s) & gain visibility
Consumer /patient / caretaker engagement
Written report or publication
Internal report or similar (ex: center quarterly report; group M&E, etc.)
Activity name / title
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Cochrane Russia
Cochrane news on the Russian Medical Academy for Continuous Professional Education (RMANPO) website
Cochrane Russia
Regular Webinars with Wiley / 100K20 on the Cochrane Library as a unique resource of the gold standard in evidence-based medicine (in Russian)
Cochrane US (RTI International – University of North Carolina Evidence-based Practice Center)
Produce evidence syntheses, promote evidence, develop methods, disseminate findings, train students
Cochrane Sweden
Strategic meeting with Cochrane Norway
Cochrane India (Institute of Dental Sciences)
Geographic group reporting
Cochrane Iberoamerica
Virtual Sessions of the Iberoamerican Cochrane Network
Cochrane India (Institute of Dental Sciences)
Report 2024
Cochrane Germany
Cochrane Germany supporters
Cochrane Mexico (Universidad Marista de Merida)
Coordinating Cochrane Affiliate Center
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Editorial process for submissions to the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Transferring editorial content to the Central Editorial Service
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Establishing a Geographic Group
Planning, Reporting and Accountability
Meetings of the Geographic Groups Directors
Information Specialists Portal
Staff induction
Co-ordinating Editor appointment procedure
CRG Networks Portal
Join the Conversation Webinar Series
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Support from CET
Research Integrity
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