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  • Lifetime and Emeritus Membership
    Cochrane is proud to recognize the extraordinary contributions of individuals who make an exceptional, long-standing contribution to Cochrane’s work and leadership with lifetime and emeritus membership. Cochrane's strength is in its collaborative, global community. Our 100,000+ members and supporters from more than 130 countries work together…
  • A picture of board room chairs and a table.
    Tracey Howe and Catherine Marshall both stepped down as Co Chairs of the Governing Board in September 2023 and Jordi Pardo Pardo was appointed Interim Chair of the Governing Board for a period of up to one year while a chair is recruited.See a bit more about the background in Governing Board updates here and here.The Board agreed…
  • A meeting around a table
    The Governing Board met (virtually) on 9 January 2024. This meeting was added to the schedule to allow time to focus specifically on Open Access. The agenda for the meeting held in December 2023 included, among other things, approval of the strategy for 2024-2027 and the budget and operational plan for 2024, so there wasn’t time to have a full…
  • Table set for a meeting
    Thank you very much to everyone who voted in the recent election for two members of the Governing Board. Over 350 people voted and the results are set out below:    The following two candidates have been elected:  Juan Franco (re-elected for a second term of three years)  Tamara Kredo (re-elected for a second term of three…
  • A picture of a ballot box and different people casting their votes
    Two elected members of the Governing Board come to the end of their first term of appointment this year and so elections are being held.  The majority of Governing Board members are elected by Cochrane Members to ensure that the needs of the membership are reflected at board level. All Cochrane Members have one vote for each position available, so…
  • A picture of board room chairs and a table.
    The Governing Board is meeting on Wednesday 6 December 2023. Items on the agenda include:    1. The 2024-2027 strategy  The Governing Board will be asked to approve the new strategy which has been developed over the last year. A Strategy Working Group has been meeting regularly and facilitated discussions with CET staff, the…
  • Are you interested in joining the Governing Board? 
    Are you interested in joining the Governing Board?Two elected members of the Governing Board (Juan Franco and Tamara Kredo) come to the end of their first term of appointment this year and so elections will be held. Candidates must be a Cochrane Member as of 15 November 2023 to be eligible to stand in this election, membership is defined as having…
  • Participants to the event
    The Cochrane International Mobility (CIM) program offers networking opportunities for those eager to learn from their peers across the world. It's an open invitation to join the Cochrane Community, a global network of experts dedicated to advancing healthcare through evidence-based practices. Purpose and Impact The core purpose of CIM revolves…
  • AGM front slide
    An Annual General Meeting of The Cochrane Collaboration (Cochrane) was held on Monday 4 September 2023 at the QEII Conference Centre in London. For those who wish to revisit the AGM or missed the event, you can access the meeting agenda, presentations, and view the meeting video here. The minutes will follow. Members approved the following…
  • Photo of the members of the Council
    At a joint face to face meeting in London on Sunday 3 September 2023, the Governing Board and the Council agreed to work in partnership to develop new and improved ways of engaging with the Cochrane Community. The Council as it currently exists will not continue after the end of this year and a new Advisory Panel will be established to gather…
  • Photo of the Governing Board outside the meeting's venue
    The Governing Board met in London on Thursday 31 August, Friday 1 September and Saturday 2 September. Members of the Governing Board are Cochrane’s Trustees and are responsible for the charity’s management and administration. The Board usually meets quarterly, two of the meetings are online and two are in person. Below is a summary of the meeting…
  • Rashmi Das
    Every year Cochrane recognizes the outstanding work of Kenneth Warren, a scientist, extremely influential in drawing attention to the 'great neglected diseases' that plague people in developing countries. He prioritized the need for valid summaries of key research studies and to the way electronic media could be used to disseminate results of…
  • Best Poster Presentation: Mayara Silveira Bianchim
    Dr Thomas Chalmers was an outspoken advocate of randomised trials, whether at the bedside, at professional meetings, in class or in situations pertaining to his own life. His creativity spanned his entire career, influencing clinicians and methodologists alike. He is perhaps best known for the notion ‘randomise the first patient’, his belief…
  • Peter Godolphin
    Dr Tom Chalmers was an outspoken advocate of randomised trials, whether at the bedside, at professional meetings, in class or in situations pertaining to his own life. His creativity spanned his entire career, influencing clinicians and methodologists alike. He is perhaps best known for the notion ‘randomise the first patient’, his belief that it…
  • Best Short Oral Presentation: Lynn Hendricks
    Dr Tom Chalmers was an outspoken advocate of randomised trials, whether at the bedside, at professional meetings, in class or in situations pertaining to his own life. His creativity spanned his entire career, influencing clinicians and methodologists alike. He is perhaps best known for the notion ‘randomise the first patient’, his belief that it…
  •  Winner of the 2023 Bill Silverman Prize: Yonggang Zhang
    William (Bill) Silverman (1924-2004) was one of the founders of American neonatal medicine. He was honoured repeatedly as one of the pioneers in his specialty; however, he often evoked somewhat contradictory responses amongst his colleagues because he was in the habit of raising troubling questions about the scientific basis and ethics of his and…
  • Madelon
    Anne Anderson was a contributor to the stream of thinking and effort that gave birth to evidence-based health care. A clinically qualified reproductive physiologist, Anne had an active interest in women’s health, co-editing the first edition of Women’s Problems in General Practice with Ann McPherson and contributed to Effectiveness and…
  • Anna Noel Storr and Muriah Umoquit
    Dr. Chris Silagy was the founding Director of the Australasian Cochrane Centre and instrumental in Cochrane's development and success. Chris was energetic, positive and inspiring. Before his death in December 2001, Chris expressed a wish for a Fund to be established, to be held by the Monash Foundation. Chris initiated this fund with his own…
  • Table set for a meeting
    Cochrane is an international organization but is legally registered in the United Kingdom as a UK Charity and a Limited Liability Company. Cochrane's Governing Board comprises at least 13 people, who are both Trustees of the Charity and Directors of the Company. More than half of the Trustees are elected by and from Cochrane's members; with the…
  • Hands framing the sun
    Cochrane is proud to be one of the world’s leading producers of trusted evidence. To maintain that standard, we need to innovate and make sure we are meeting the needs of the people using our evidence. We are making some major changes, one of which is the introduction of a new focused review format. We're simplifying and streamlining our review…
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